Co když dítě odmítá mléčné výrobky
Author: Mgr. Jitka Ludvíčková
Mléčné výrobky jsou důležitým zdrojem vápníku, kvalitních bílkovin a dalších živin, které podporují růst a vývoj dítěte. Co ale dělat, když je vaše dítě odmítá?...
Author: Mgr. Jitka Ludvíčková
Mléčné výrobky jsou důležitým zdrojem vápníku, kvalitních bílkovin a dalších živin, které podporují růst a vývoj dítěte. Co ale dělat, když je vaše dítě odmítá?...
Author: Kolektiv autorů gravido
Přivést na svět nový život, to je jeden z největších milníků v životě každé ženy. Je plný radosti, ale také výzev – fyzických i psychických....
Author: Mgr. Jitka Ludvíčková
In April of this year, the IX. Pediatric Master Course, a Nutricia accredited event that attracted experts in the field of infant and child nutrition....
Author: Kolektiv autorů
In this article you will get practical information about choosing the first drinks for babies and young children. You will find out why and which...
Author: Mgr. Jitka Ludvíčková
Nutritional consultations are intended for parents who want to have an overview of the current intake of energy and nutrients in their child's diet. The...
Author: Mgr. Jitka Ludvíčková
The therapy at The Eating School is aimed at creating a safe and positive environment in which your child can explore food and food and...
Author: Mgr. Jitka Ludvíčková
The comprehensive examination is intended for families who are struggling with eating difficulties with their children. The aim of this service is to provide a...
Author: Mgr. Jitka Ludvíčková
Coping with children's eating difficulties, restricted diets or socially inappropriate eating habits is a journey that parents and carers do not have to go through...
Author: Mgr. Jitka Ludvíčková
At the Ostrava jubilee 10. At the Congress of Pediatrics for Practice, I had the opportunity to present The Eating School and its mission to...
Author: Mgr. Jitka Ludvíčková
The arrival of a new year often brings new opportunities and a fresh start. Perhaps for you too, this period becomes an ideal moment for...
Author: Mgr. Jitka Ludvíčková
In December 2023, a conference dedicated to the topic of childhood obesity and its causes was held in Prague aftermath. The program was provided by...
Author: Mgr. Jitka Ludvíčková
As the holiday season approaches, many parents find themselves in a whirlwind of worries surrounding food and dining with young children. We deal with this...