
Here you will find a wealth of interesting articles, advice and guidance to guide you through the issue of feeding children. Our articles are written by experts in the field.
Kategorie článků

Co když dítě odmítá mléčné výrobky

Author: Mgr. Jitka Ludvíčková

Mléčné výrobky jsou důležitým zdrojem vápníku, kvalitních bílkovin a dalších živin, které podporují růst a vývoj dítěte. Co ale dělat, když je vaše dítě odmítá?...

Conference: IX. Pediatric master course

Author: Mgr. Jitka Ludvíčková

In April of this year, the IX. Pediatric Master Course, a Nutricia accredited event that attracted experts in the field of infant and child nutrition....

What’s in store for you: Therapy

Author: Mgr. Jitka Ludvíčková

The therapy at The Eating School is aimed at creating a safe and positive environment in which your child can explore food and food and...

Jitká Ludvíčková přednáší online seminář o výživě dětí

What’s in store for you: Consultation

Author: Mgr. Jitka Ludvíčková

Coping with children's eating difficulties, restricted diets or socially inappropriate eating habits is a journey that parents and carers do not have to go through...

10th Congress of Paediatrics for Practice

Author: Mgr. Jitka Ludvíčková

At the Ostrava jubilee 10. At the Congress of Pediatrics for Practice, I had the opportunity to present The Eating School and its mission to...

How to handle Christmas in peace

Author: Mgr. Jitka Ludvíčková

As the holiday season approaches, many parents find themselves in a whirlwind of worries surrounding food and dining with young children. We deal with this...