For happy and fed children.

Step by step to your child’s healthy eating habits.

Online programs, inspiration and advice, educational seminars and solutions to health problems.

Veselé dítě samo jí jídlo lžičkou. Portrét šťastného chlapečka na vysoké židličce.

What we offer you

We’re here for all parents.

From nutrition in pregnancy to breastfeeding and healthy eating habits, we can help you prepare for a new family member.

Find inspiration and advice here, whether you’re looking for recipes for the kids or choosing a highchair.

We will also help you with solving health and other problems.

  • Online programs

    Everything you are interested in about children's diet, information from experts at your fingertips.

  • Therapy

    Expert solution to health problems with food in children.

  • Articles and recipes

    Inspiration for everyone, healthy recipes for children and practical advice.

  • For professionals

    Professional seminars and workshops for professionals.


When the intervention of an expert is needed

Are you dealing with a health problem and looking for professional help? We offer long-term therapy as well as one-off consultations for children with feeding difficulties, as well as nutritional counseling.

View our services

Articles and recipes

Inspiration for everyone

On the blog, you will find many practical articles and instructions, as well as recipes for tasty and healthy meals for small eaters and non-eaters alike. In addition, recommendations from a nutritional therapist and tips for playful serving.

Mgr. Jitka Ludvíčková přednáší na konferenci problematiky s příjmem potravy u dětí

For professionals

Seminars and workshops

Seminars and workshops on eating disorders are intended for all health, social and educational professionals working with children.

More information

What parents say about us

Read how the Papan School helps families find joy and comfort in dining together. Every feedback is important to us and reflects a personal journey to a better relationship with food.

    Uz pocas prechadzania programu sme vymenili netecuci uciaci hrncek za flasticku so slamkou (brckem) a babatko sa takmer hned naucilo sat. Program pre mna obsahuje cenne informacie na jednom mieste, ktore by som inak skladala aj niekolko mesiacov, co nie je pri detoch realne. Paci sa mi, ze na programe spolupracuju odbornici z roznych oborov a informacie su podlozene aj odborne. Dakujem, za usetreny cas dohladavanim informacii a hlavne sa lahsie vyvarujem stereotypnym dnes uz “chybam”! Za mna odporucam!

    Pro maminky bez zkušeností za mě super. Vše je uvedeno přehledně na jednom místě, určitou informaci lze snadno vyhledat díky proklikávacímu obsahu. Dozvěděla jsem se i hodně nových informací, které jsem jinde nenašla, jež pro nás byly velmi užitečné.

    Program poskytuje ucelené informace o zavádění pevné stravy do jídelníčku dítěte včetně konkrétních příkladů. Je moc hezky strukturován. Velkou přidanou hodnotu tvoří fotky a videa, které jsou jeho součástí.

    Krasne komplexne a pritom naprosto prehledne sestaveny program, ktery me provedl krok po kroku otazkami, co se vyvrbily hned zpocatku pri kojeni a hlavne kdyz prisel ten skok do neznama poprve mimcu predstavit i neco, co se jen nesaje. Ohromne jsem nakonec jako prvorodicka ocenila, ze jsem mela pri ruce od profiku zodpovezene otazky nejen okolo jak a kdy a kolik v urcitem veku, ale i to jake treba nadobi zvolit, jakym zpusobem podavat jidlo, stolovat a predejit ujme i drama. Uspech je uz dnes videt i na dceri, ktera se po dvou mesicich od prvniho prikrmu zvesela pomalu sama krmi vsim, co se podava. Stoji to za ten klid a doporucuju dal vsem kamaradkam, ktery to ceka.

    We would like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs. Ludvíčková for everything she does for our son. We have been visiting her since January 2022, when the therapy takes place once a week. During this time, we have moved forward incredibly.

    Our daughter and I have been going to Jitka for occupational therapy for several years. Emča always looks forward to the lessons together. Sometimes they cook together, train self-care... So far, the best therapy for Jitka was the last one, when the canis dog Argi was also present.

    Thank you very much for your wonderful care. Mgr. Ludvíčková is a really great therapist and person. We recommend all ten to everyone. Each child and problem was solved comprehensively, ideas for supplementing the daughter's diet helped us to increase the weight, which the daughter has been struggling with for a long time, due to her disability. We finally found a person who solves the core of the problem and is interested in the child. Nothing is a problem, and thanks to Jitka, we know that everything has a solution and it doesn't have to be the introduction of a PEG, as the doctors want to impose on the parents. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you.

    I can recommend The Eating School with a calm heart and I recommend it everywhere else. We also learned about her by chance and several years ago, when my two-year-old daughter had a big problem with eating and biting..... Jitka, the therapist, was always very nice, she worked very well with my daughter and gave me good advice many times or just she added the waning energy that I usually need when feeding.... Even now we like to come back when there is a food problem..... TOP for me!

    If your child is a picky eater, has various types of disabilities or is on a feeding tube or PEG, try the School of Papany. The kind approach of the therapist Jitka, her willingness and dedication to her mission have already helped many children, including our Adam. It's a journey, it's a process, and it won't change overnight, but it will.

    Great content, everything simply explained. I especially appreciate the apt examples, several times my husband and I had a hearty laugh. Thank you very much.

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Do you want to be part of our community and get regular inspiration, tips and follow the stories of other parents?

Join us on Instagram and share your journey to happy dining with us.

Do you have questions?

Here are your most frequently asked questions.

Didn’t find the answer? We have many more for you on the page:

Questions and Answers
  • For how old children are the services of Škola papání intended?

    The Škola papání services are intended for children of all ages. As part of therapy, we work with children up to 18 years old, our online programs are currently aimed at children under 3 years old.

  • What kind of children are the services of Škola papání for?

    The services of Škola papání are intended for all children, both healthy and those with various health problems. We also offer prevention and support for parents, including breastfeeding topics.

  • Do you also offer expert support in the field of child nutrition and diet?

    We offer education in this area to experts in the form of professional seminars and workshops. You can find them on the For professionals page. It is also possible to arrange with us a format directly for your organization, contact us at .

  • Is it possible to pay for your services from the public health system?

    We offer payment through the Benefity plus benefit program or you can request a contribution to the foundation, payments from the public health service are not possible at the moment.

  • Where can I find Škola papání and how do I get to you?

    We offer the services of Škola papání mainly online thanks to Online Programs and Seminars . Personal visits are possible at our office in Prague 8. For more information, visit the Contacts page.